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That’s the way things happen on The Plinkco Express (w/ free downloadable Christmas wish list print)

     All aboard The Plinkco Express! Welcome! I am so excited to be writing this blog! To start off, I would love to introduce myself!  My name is Jessica Gregory and I am a mom of two little ones; Corban, who will be two in December (on New Years Eve), and Ava who just turned 4 months old (picture of my family below). I’m sure you will be hearing about them a lot on this blog!  Erica and I have been best friends since childhood and I was so excited when she had this idea of doing a blog for her new business, Plink Co. Express Learning

     Our hope is that this blog will be a useful resource and an encouragement to parents and teachers!  If you follow Plink Co. Express Learning on Facebook or instagram, you probably know that Erica values her followers and wants to build a sense of community. She’s not just in the business of selling toys, she wants to be a help and encouragement and build a support system for people who are trying to educate,  children at home, in the classroom, or wherever else it may be! I am totally bought in to that vision and am passionate about it! So give us your feedback! Comments, questions, requests: we want to hear from you! 

     We will feature different items in the store and chat about them but that will not be all this blog is about! I do, however, have to share this adorable picture of my sons face when he was first introduced to his Plink Co. Wooden Wobble Balance Board! (I would apologize for the mess, but if you’re reading this blog, chances are you’ve been around kids enough to understand!)
Use code Jessica15 to get 15% off a Plink Co. Wooden Wobble Balance Board!

Here are 3 things you can always expect on our blog: 

1.) Freebies!

    We will always have an activity or something fun for you and/or the kids!  This week we have a Christmas wish list because Christmas is just around the corner and if these aren’t done yet, the time is ticking! (Bonus points if your child writes in a toy from Plink Co.!)

Free Printable - Christmas Wish List

2.) Exclusives! 

          Offers, Promos and Insiders

The exclusive offer in this post is get a pack of 16 of these adorable Christmas gift tags free with any purchase from Plink Co. Express Learning this weekend only! 

Also, this is sort of an insider... if you follow Plink Co.   Express Learning on social media, you may have seen today that these sweet custom wooden name puzzles have just been added to the shop! Erica makes these and she does a fantastic job! (And how cute is that name on display in these pictures? Okay, maybe I'm a little biased about thats.) 

3.) Encouragement to keep doing what you are doing to invest in this next generation! 

     My mother-in-law always says, “The days may be long but the years are short.”  I tell myself this all of the time being a stay at home mom with a baby and a toddler!  The days really do feel long but it is such a privilege that we to get to invest in, teach, love on, and develop these children.  Hang in there because while the days are long, the years are oh, so short! Your work and investment will pay off and the reward will be great! 

     And that, my friends, is the way things happen on Plinkco. Express! Stay tuned next week for a fun Thanksgiving freebie.  Meanwhile, go get out you favorite Christmas mug and sip some coffee or hot cocoa and watch The Polar Express. It’s been a long year and I don’t know about you, but I am beyond ready for the holidays! 


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