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Showing posts from December, 2020

Learning from Virtually Anything

I’ve been thinking lately while watching my son as he grows and learns, that there is an opportunity for learning in everything. Even in these pictures, We counted to 5 to get him to sit still long enough for a picture for the blog. I’ve been trying to use these little moments to teach him, whether it be a life lesson, or learning things like numbers, colors, and words.  He is so excited about learning his colors right now! We’ve just been using anything and everything to help him learn them but I cannot wait to give him his Plink Co. Color sorting peg dolls for Christmas! He also loves practicing those fine motor skills. My sister has a pair of air pods and one of his favorite things is taking them out of the case and putting them back in. I think these peg dolls will bring hours of entertainment to our house! It’s always a win when learning is fun! This year has been a rollercoaster to say the least!  All of you teachers and homeschooling parents rock!  There have been ...